Original Himalayan Crystal Salt
Table Salt vs Sea vs Pink vs Original Himalayan Crystal Salt
Table Salt
Stripped of all of its natural elements through industrial processing, common table salt now contains just two minerals – Sodium and Chloride
- Non-bioavailable structure minimizing absorption
- Treated with anti-caking agents that prevent it from absorbing moisture
- while being stored, performing the same function in the body further inhibiting absorption
As you can see from this picture the crystals are isolated from each other and in an unnatural structure. In order for the body to metabolize these crystals and use the minerals in the salt, it must use tremendous amounts of energy and liquids in the body to break down the structure and absorb the minerals. This results in the body using more resources than it gains from consuming the salt – a net loss for the body. We also see other detrimental health effects such as increases in blood pressure.
Sea Salt
- Sea salt contains more minerals than common table salt. However, the mineral content and ratio varies from source to source and are not always ideal for the body’s optimal health
- Even though the crystalline structure is better than common table salt, it is still not ideal and results in a net loss for the body
- Consuming sea salt also results in increased blood pressure
- The largest concern with sea salt today stems from our ever increasing polluted oceans. From petro chemicals, to oil and heavy metals such as mercury, the salt from our oceans potentially has many hidden toxins
- The process used to “clean” sea salt is a high temperature process that changes the structure back to an inabsorbable form
Pink Salt
Beware imitations! Many pink salts claim to be Himalayan but are in fact from other parts of the world such as South America, Eastern Europe and Australia with different structure and minerals and potentially pollutants. In addition even some salts which come from Tibet and Pakistan are simply sea salts fortified with some Himalayan Crystal Salt so they look the right color. Sad, we know. For this reason, it is very important to ensure that your source is truly supplying you with authentic Original Himalayan Crystal Salt. The five questions to ask are:
- Is this a product of Pakistan or Tibet?
- Do you have certificates of analysis showing all the trace minerals?
- Do you have structure analysis showing it is optimally bio-available?
- Do you have clinical research on your exact source?
- Does it carry the Royal Seal verifying it is the same salt researched in the book Water & Salt? Click here to see page 122 of the book discussing the seal. Here is the seal today.
Original Himalayan Crystal Salt®
- Original Himalayan Crystal Salt® contains 84 minerals in almost identical ratios to what exist in our blood. Click here for our certificate of analysis
- The crystal minerals are in ionic form, meaning they are so small that they can be absorbed straight into a cell instead of through the blood stream like we do with normal food.
- The balanced crystalline structure as shown in the picture below of reveals the fine branching and highly absorbable structure which is easily metabolized by the body and results in a large net gain in our body’s energy
Original Himalayan Crystal Salt is also currently the only source with its own clinic research. Click here view our Clinical Research.
Original Himalayan Crystal Salt is available in different granulations depending on whether you are using it for food
preparation and cooking, sole therapy or bath salts.