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Women's Health

Who is Femmenessence MacaHarmony™ for?

It's for women from their teens through to their forties who experience hormone imbalance. Hormone imbalance is becoming more and more of an issue for women of all ages. Apart from the normal monthly hormonal cycle, women now have to contend with xenobiotic (foreign) hormones or hormone-mimicking substances in food, cosmetics, plastics and hair care products. The resulting hormone imbalance is responsible for a whole range of health conditions ranging from PMS symptoms such as fluid retention, acne, bloating, fatigue and mood swings, through to hair loss, irregular menstruation and fertility issues.*

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How does this relate to you?

Hormone balance is a key aspect of overall health and while hormones are frequently introduced via IVF or via the contraceptive pill to alleviate symptoms or manipulate hormonal profiles, Femmenessence MacaHarmony™ supports natural hormone balance. When hormone production is regulated and balanced, it is easier for your body to achieve overall physiological harmony. This means fewer menstrual symptoms and support for your general health as well as support for preconception health and fertility.*

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How does Femmenessence MacaHarmony™ work?

Femmenessence MacaHarmony™ does not introduce any hormones into your body, instead it works with your body, stimulating the hypothalamus, pituitary and adrenal glands to support and balance hormones such as FSH, Estrogen, LH, Thyroid and Progesterone*. Femmenessence therefore works in a unique way for every woman. It supports your individual biological make-up and optimizes your general health status at your specific stage of your life.

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What is Femmenessence MacaHarmony™?

Femmenessence MacaHarmony™ is a concentrated and bioavailable combination of one of the strongest adaptogenic herbs. Adaptogens are a unique class of herb and extremely rare in nature. Russian researchers, working exclusively to identify and determine their mode of action studied more than 4,000 medicinal plants, yet identified only 12 with true adaptogenic properties. Adaptogens have long been recognized and valued for their ability to create harmony and homeostasis (balance) in the body but only recently with certain phenotypes or sub species have we seen such a profound affect on hormones. Adaptogens have a rare ability to effect each individual and each system within the body differently, depending on whether that system is over- or under-functioning, to rebalance and finally for their almost complete lack of toxic or adverse effects. The single ingredient in Femmenessence is
Maca-GO® - a proprietary combination of the different phenotypes or subspecies of the adaptogenic herb Maca (Lepidium peruvianum).
Maca-GO® is then manufactured through a patent pending process which increases the concentration and bio availability of the full spectrum of active ingredients in the herb. There are 13 different phenotypes of Lepidium peruvianum, with many displaying different gender and age-related health benefits. Maca-GO® is a specific combination of phenotypes designed for a woman’s biology, in contrast to the men’s product - Revolution which uses a different phenotype combination called Maca-OG™. It is important to highlight that Femmenessence is currently the only herbal product that has been proven, in double blind, placebo controlled clinical trials to have statistically significant affects on hormones. We know that sounds like a sweeping statement, but it is true as our medical board and no doubt your doctor can confirm. We are so sure about it, that if you can find a clinical trial on another herbal product, published in a medical journal showing statistically significant affects on several hormones like Femmenessence we will send you a complimentary years’ supply of any one of our products.

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How does Femmenessence MacaHarmony™ compare to other maca based products?

In a comparative analytical study on Maca-GO®, it has been further shown, that when compared to the highest quality Maca extracts on the market, not only does Maca-GO® have a higher level of active ingredients, but also a much wider spectrum of them, which together contributes to the demonstrated potency of Femmenessence. To see an analytical comparison of Maca-GO® to other Maca products click here.

As mentioned Maca-GO® is a proprietary combination of phenotypes from the herb Maca. Our organic Maca-GO® roots are planted and grown on plantations controlled by NHI at over 14,000ft in the Peruvian Andes. After harvest, the Maca-GO® roots are dried using traditional organic methods to enhance and maximize the desired health benefits of the herb. They are then separated into specific combinations depending on the product being manufactured and put through NHI’s patent-pending, organic, Kosher and GMP- certified, manufacturing process. To our knowledge NHI’s entire process, which avoids extreme heat, chlorine and other chemicals, is the only 100% natural and organic method currently in operation in Peru. With these superior methods applied across the board from production to manufacture, the process results in Maca-GO®.
† Patent pending, U.S. Application Serial No. 60/819,583

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What dose should you take?

The recommended daily dose is 1 x 500mg capsules twice a day. The first dose should be taken in the morning before or with breakfast and the second dose in the afternoon or evening, half an hour before you normally have an energy low. An "energy (adrenal) low" means the time you usually feel tired, whether that is lunch time or some time in the afternoon. It you don’t experience a low point during the day then take the second dose half an hour before dinner. Experience has shown that if you don’t benefit from the standard dose, by increasing or reducing, as directed by your practitioner, almost all women will benefit from Femmenessence. Our suggestion is that you always begin this process by consulting your practitioner. This will provide both of you with an understanding of your current health status and provide a base line from which to chart your personal improvements.

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I started taking MacaHarmony and about two months in - I noticed major changes in my cycle. The most obvious being that I no longer had cramps or PMS before the onset of my period. The first month this happened - I was so shocked when I went to the bathroom and I had gotten my cycle - I went running to my calendar and counted days and was amazed that I had not had any symptoms at all! You got to love that!!

Karen F
Portland ME

I just wanted to send you an update on my reaction to going off of the oral contraceptive and onto Femmenessence. I was on Femmenessence for 4 months on the high dose (2 in the morning and 2 in the evening) and completely off of the birth control since then I have dropped the dose of Femmenessence to 2 in the morning and still everything is fine 7 months later.

None of my symptoms (rapid hair growth, weight gain, acne) have returned and I had my period right on time. Thank you again for all of your help. I am feeling healthy and happy and as energetic as I was as a teenager! It is fantastic. If you need a spokesperson for your product, let me know! :)

Jordyn H.
New Mexico

A young girl of 16 years of age was suffering from bloating, heavy periods, cramping, acne and weight gain. She had tried many food allergy diets and so on for her bloating and weight gain. She had also tried many cleansers, lotions and so on for her acne.

After taking a history and examining this patient and all the supplements she was already taking, I suggested adding Femmenessence to her list of supplements – as Femmenessence will assist with her overall neuronal tone and hormonally adaptability. Naturally this was going to be her best possible approach. We started her on one capsule morning and night. Within 7 days her skin started showing obvious signs of improvements. Her following period was still heavy but there was no cramping.

Within 4 weeks her acne had improved by 80%, she had no bloating and her subsequent period was not heavy and there were no cramps. By 6 weeks she noticed her jeans were loose on her and she subsequently realized she had lost some weight through improved metabolic function. She is now taking 2 capsules morning and night to maintain adequate neuronal and hormonal tone. "

Peter Bablis
B.Sc. D.C., N.D., Dip. Homeopathy, Dip. Clinical Nutrition

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

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